March 24th, 2020
I am writing to personally thank you for your efforts and commitment to the continued professional delivery of service to our clients in these uncertain times, and to assure you that as the situation surrounding COVID -19 continues to change and evolve, our commitment to your health and wellbeing is our number one priority.
September 18th, 2019
On Friday the 6th of September, our People and Culture team was delighted to have been awarded the title of Employer of Choice by the Australian HR Awards. The Award follows the previous 2019 Employer of Choice title received by the Australian Business Awards (ABA) earlier in the year.
September 2nd, 2019
We are excited to announce that we have recently been awarded a 12 month extension of the Melbourne & Olympic Parks Trust (MOPT) contract where we will continue to provide our core on-site team for day-to-day management and a pool of casual staff to perform perimeter, access control and event duties.