Our personnel provide a visible presence and a broad range of skills from general guarding to highly specialised fire and rescue roles. Guards are employed on a permanent or casual basis, engaged in accordance with the client’s requirements and fully trained pre-assignment, in line with legislative requirements. Uniforms are provided to the client’s requirements, branded with either a client specific logo and/or the MSS Security logo.
Fully trained, highly visible uniformed security guards who deliver the services in accordance with the client’s requirements. These services include internal and external roving patrols and inspections of client premises to identify any security threats, HSE risks, damage, vandalism or equipment...
MSS Security’s concierge, front-of-house and customer service staff are immaculately presented and provide a friendly and welcoming environment. Understanding the role and identifying the right type of person for this is paramount when recruiting, after all these employees will be brand...
MSS Security is supported by Australia’s largest fleet of mobile patrol vehicles to provide inspections of properties and assets, while ensuring the most efficient response to duress and alarm activations through use of the most advanced despatch, navigation and reporting technology.
Emergency health services including multidisciplinary Intensive Care Paramedics (flight qualified available), ALS Paramedics and Industrial Medics (i.e. ESO’s), Occupational First Responders competent in emergency response and emergency response team support and training. Our Paramedics are...
Our event services extend beyond traditional security guard attend, observe and report duties. MSS Security has a modern workforce. Staff are increasingly engaged to operate sophisticated client-owned systems, including 3D computed tomography (CT) people and package screening equipment,...