MSS Security Updates

September 8th, 2022

R U OK? No qualifications needed.

R U OK? Day is a national day of action, dedicated to supporting, listening, and inspiring others to regularly ask “Are you okay?” irrespective of background.

Help prevent suicide and improve mental wellness by connecting in a meaningful way with someone to show that there are people who care and support them.

This year’s message is: ‘R U OK? No qualifications needed’, because a conversation could change a life.

You have what it takes to make a difference.

Research has found that four in ten Australians feel that asking someone “are you OK?” is a conversation better had with an expert.

If you want to support someone but aren’t sure where to start, follow these four steps:

ASK R U OK? – Pick the right time and place and ask them how they’re going.

LISTEN – Listen with an open mind and without judgement.

ENCOURAGE ACTION – Encourage them to do something that might lighten the load.

CHECK IN – Remember to check in again soon. Your ongoing care and support can make a difference.

Are they really, OK? Ask them today.

Find more conversation tips at: How to Ask

The Facts:

Who else can help?

Like you, R U OK? is not equipped to offer crisis intervention or expert counselling, and the MSS Security website is no substitute for the professional care available from the following organisations:

13 11 14 – Call 24/7 for crisis support

1300 659 467 – people at risk of suicide, carers and bereaved

1800 55 1800 – counselling for young individuals 5 – 25 years

1300 845 745 – counselling service for people suffering grief.