MSS Security Updates

November 28th, 2022

Our QLD and ACT Team Walk for a Cause

The Black Dog Institute, one of MSS Security’s workplace giving program partners, is dedicated to improving the lives of people affected by depression, bipolar disorder, and suicide. They are the only medical research institute in Australian to investigate mental health across the lifespan and their aim is to create a mentally healthier world for everyone.

Keep reading to see how our team members raised money for this amazing organisation in the months of October and November.

QLD Team:

During October 2022 QLD team members Beth and Tanya participated in the One Foot Forward, Walk for Mental Health fundraising event. One Foot Forward is held annually during mental health month in October. All fundraising during this event goes towards helping the 1 in 5 Australians who experience symptoms of mental illness each year. Together Beth and Tanya walked over 400km during October. What a massive achievement!

ACT Team:

On Sunday 6 November 2022 ACT Team members Michael, Megan, Melanie, Bec and Marea and their families and friends participated in the Canberra Times Fun Run fundraising event. Commencing at Old Parliament House and finishing near Lake Burley Griffin, the ACT Team enjoyed some much-needed sunshine whilst supporting The Black Dog Institute and the work they do.

We are proud to announce that over these two events, over $4,900 was raised for The Black Dog Institute. Congratulations and well done to all involved and all who supported our team and Black Dog Institute.