MSS Security Updates

March 31st, 2015

New Employee Portal Design

In February, we launched a new design of the Employee Portal. As part of this launch you were asked to provide your feedback on the new design.

Overall, the feedback was very positive with most people reporting that the design and organisation of the information was much improved and consequently easier to navigate.

Through your feedback, we have also identified some areas for improvement and other initiatives to explore to give you even greater access to information.

As part of the feedback survey we gave you the opportunity to send your details and describe in 25 words or less what you most liked about the new Employee Portal design. From all of those who responded it was the entry from Michael Harrington, SA who was chosen as the winner. He will receive a $50 MSS Security gift voucher.

Michael said:

“I found the new Employee Portal Design very easy to use and navigate. All the information I require is at my fingertips and easily accessible.”

Congratulations Michael!

We would be happy to hear from you if you have any further feedback of how we can continue to improve the Employee Portal.