MSS Security Updates

April 22nd, 2016

MSS Security’s ‘quay’ role at Perth’s latest attraction

Elizabeth Quay, Perth’s $440 million waterfront project, has opened and MSS Security has actively ensured the celebrations have been a safe and successful.The Metropolitan Redevelopment Authority (MRA), which has delivered the project and other initiatives on behalf of the State Government to rejuvenate Perth’s CBD, tasked MSS Security with providing asset protection and traffic control during the three weeks’ of events that began on January 29.

Local interest in Elizabeth Quay has been so great that MSS Security has also had to deploy extra security officers to cover surges in public visitors.

MSS Security won the MRA contact late last year, and Heinrich Chok, State Manager – Client Services, said its ability to effectively service the Elizabeth Quay celebrations has helped cement a fantastic client relationship.

Elizabeth Quay is designed to become a focal point of Perth life – about four million people are expected to visit annually for events including the 2016 Fringe Festival and the Perth International Arts Festival. Its attractions include a water park, public art, ferry terminal, playgrounds and boat moorings.

In future, the site, which is larger than Melbourne’s Federation Square, will be extended to include residential, office and retail developments.

Left to right: Tom Clark (MSS Security Operations Manager), Darren Boylan (MRA – Manager Facilities Management) and Heinrich Chok (MSS Security State Manager-Client Services) against the backdrop of Elizabeth Quay.