MSS Security Updates

March 28th, 2022

MSS Security joins THE BIG SELL

MSS Security has been a proud supporter of The Big Issue since the start of the Workplace Giving Program in 2015. The philosophy behind the Workplace Giving Program is ‘Australians Helping Australians in Need’ and the past two years have been no exception.

Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, The Big Issue vendors have had it particularly tough. Lockdowns and decreased foot traffic have significantly impacted their ability to earn a meaningful income. As Australia emerges from pandemic restrictions, The Big Issue vendors are returning to the street across the country to a new normal.

We are pleased to announce that MSS Security will be participating in The Big Sell campaign from 18th – 31st March. The campaign aims to raise awareness and funds for The Big Issue and its vendors experiencing homelessness, marginalisation, and disadvantage

Several members of our senior management around the country will be rolling up their sleeves and hitting the streets in support of this campaign on the 31st of March.

The Big Issue needs our help to continue to support hard-working vendors. For more information about The Big Sell and how to donate in support of the MSS team head to The Big Sell website or click the link below.