MSS Security Updates

May 9th, 2014

MSS Security announces growth in Australian Healthcare.

MSS Security is proud to announce its recent win of services at Metro South Health Hospital.

The contract is a major win for our healthcare sector and spans across five major hospitals as well as a number of health centres throughout the Queensland region.

Metro South Health is the major provider of public health services and health education and research in the Brisbane south side, Logan, Redlands and Scenic Rim regions. They employ over 10,000 staff and service 23% of Queensland’s population – approximately one million people annually.

The contract has already commenced and our Contract Managers have been leading the team through a specialised training programme tailored to the healthcare industry and Metro South Health’s requirements.

With the successful implementation of the contract, MSS Security has again proven its capability in providing quality healthcare security services throughout Australia. This win will enable the South East Queensland team to build on the recent healthcare success that was secured in South Australia.

Congratulations to all that were involved.