
June 12th, 2024

MSS Security Acknowledges National Reconciliation Week with a Theme of Unity and Reflection

MSS Security proudly celebrated National Reconciliation Week, embracing this year’s theme, “Now More Than Ever,” across our offices. Our events highlighted our commitment to acknowledging and honouring the history, culture and contributions of Indigenous Australians.

Our offices hosted a variety of events, including morning teas and trivia nights, each incorporating meaningful reflections and activities. These events were catered by local Indigenous companies and featured Indigenous art, jewellery, and traditional foods, fostering a deeper connection to First Nations culture.

Key highlights included powerful speeches and stories. In QLD David Cheatham, Executive General Manager and proud Indigenous Australian, reflected on the past and shared a poignant story from the 2008 National Apology speech by then Prime Minister Kevin Rudd, focusing on Nanna Nungala Fejo.

ACT held their NRW Morning Tea event on Friday, 31 May 2024. Guest speakers included Adrian Cheatham, Senior Program Manager at Reconciliation Australia, who discussed reconciliation strategies, the NRW 2024 theme, National Sorry Day, and Reconciliation Action Plans. Also in attendance was Ngunnawal Elder Karen Denny and her daughter Rebecca King, who shared the achievements of their work with Winanggaay Ngunnawal Language Corporation. The highlight was MSS Security Officer Jad King, sharing stories about his grandmother, Nanna Nungala Fejo, a Stolen Generation survivor.

In VIC Nicole Findlay, CEO of Reconciliation Victoria, also spoke about the challenges she faces as a non-Indigenous person working with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities and emphasized the collective effort needed for reconciliation.

Our Variety Trivia Night in the Northern Territory showcased the community’s commitment to the 2024 theme, raising funds for local youth programs. Attendees enjoyed opportunities to purchase Indigenous art and jewellery, with donations supporting Variety NT and enhancing the trivia experience.

Geoff Merchant, General Manager SA/NT, acknowledged Country and provided a brief history of NRW, emphasising MSS Security’s commitment to the 2024 theme “Now More Than Ever” and the diversity among its employees. An audience of 28 staff then watched “Servant or Slave,” a documentary on the domestic servitude forced upon Aboriginal girls in Australia, highlighting the immense hardships and abuses faced by five women. The film detailed the government’s control over Aboriginal wages and the cycle of abuse endured by many Aboriginal children. At the event Lunch was provided by Something Wild, an Indigenous-owned catering company.

In NSW, the event was led by General Manager Daniel Goodwin, who shared the song “Blackfella/Whitefella” by the Warumpi Band, promoting unity and equality. The gathering concluded with a feast of Indigenous foods, celebrating the rich culture and heritage of the First Nations people.

In WA Business Managers and State Operations Managers attended an online podcast “Reconciliation Memoirs with Carol Innes”. Carol is a former Co-Chair of Reconciliation WA and a Board member of The Art Gallery of WA. Carol is also the Co-Director in the Danjoo Koorliny Walking Together Project – 2029 and Beyond, which marks the milestone of 200 years of colonisation in Western Australia. The work focuses on social, cultural, environmental, and economic impact on Aboriginal people and the barriers which need to shift in policies and programs. Following this event a morning tea was held at the WA office where Business Managers shared their experiences of what was discussed in the Podcast with the rest of the Team.

National Reconciliation Week at MSS Security was a profound and enriching experience, highlighting our dedication to reconciliation and respect for Indigenous cultures. We look forward to continuing these important traditions and fostering a more inclusive and united future.