MSS Security Updates

January 12th, 2016

MSS Security – a satisfying place to work

The results are in and we are thrilled to announce that around 80% of employees are satisfied working with MSS Security and enjoy coming to work. More than 45% are also planning to stay with MSS Security until they retire.

Those were findings from our 2015 Employee Engagement Survey. 

Every two years, MSS Security surveys employees’ satisfaction levels, asks about their concerns and learns what they would like us to do to make working at MSS Security even better. The 2015 survey was conducted last November.

Completion of the survey is optional and between 2011 and 2015 there was a dramatic increase in the participation rate – 10% in 2011, 25% in 2013 and more than 55% in 2015.

Last month the People and Culture Team met to discuss the results. It is now working on some recommendations to the business about what MSS Security can do to continue doing the things we do well, and improve the areas where our employees think we could be better.

We will keep you posted as to what those activities may be and when they are executed.