MSS Security Updates

March 14th, 2014

MSS Security sponsors Blue Ribbon Day

MSS Security is proud to be sponsoring Blue Ribbon Day. This is an important day for the team at MSS Security where we join with local communities to pay our tributes to the police men and women who have lost their lives in the line of duty.

Blue Ribbon Day has grown to become one of the largest public displays of remembrance for police in Australia and the money raised is used to provide funding for new and improved emergency facilities in public hospitals.

In total there have been 157 Police Officers killed in the line of duty; of these, 30 have been murders which underline the danger these officers face in protecting our safety. Our Security Officers can relate to some of the safety concerns which can happen on a daily basis, so this form of community involvement is our opportunity for showing our appreciation to the Police Officers who sacrifice their safety to protect ours, and to honour those who lost their lives.

This is one of the main sponsorships in which MSS Security participates and we are proud to maintain our sponsorship for another year. Blue Ribbon Day is being held on Monday 29th of September 2014.